Manifestation is POLITICAL

Last week, I shared a post of threads that I had written on Twitter, on my Instagram account and I honestly haven't had a post that resonated like that in a while.

What I had shared:

Tweet 1: Manifestation becomes way more challenging if your root (safety, security, basic needs, etc) is not balanced or if it’s constantly being threatened AND if your freedom of expression (sacral) is thwarted or repressed.

Tweet 2: There is a literal process + stability that has to be present for intentional manifestation.

Tweet 3: People throw around the word manifestation like all you have to do is see it to believe it, completely spiritual bypassing the fact that manifestation, in part, is a privilege due to how this world is set up in favor of particular people (wealthy + white).

Tweet 4: This is not to say that manifestation can NEVER happen for others, it is saying that there are way more challenges & obstacles for someone who can barely pay their rent than someone who has home, job, & food security.

Tweet 5: Manifestation is political.

The topic honestly started with a conversation I was having with my friend and quite frankly, I got fired up. Then the next day, I was listening to my morning meds playlist and Deepak Chopra mentioned the word manifestation when he was talking about the solar plexus chakra. It hit me again how so many folks throw the word manifestation around all willy nilly as if there are not prerequisites to physically manifesting things.

So many people resounded with a "YES" in the comments.

I did unfortunately have a white woman come in my comments to tell me in a very spiritually bypassing way that "Manifestaiton is not political in any way at all. If you truly follow the teachings if Neville Goddard then you will realize that you are God and nothing is required for you to manifest. If believe you have to be stable to manifest then thats what you will get" and "Also if you believe manifestation is politcal then it will be politcal. If not then it wont. Your realtiy is a reflection of what you believe. It can be plain and simple or complicated. You dont have to be stable to manifest unless you believe you do."

This is a major part of the issue. Privileged and wealthy people, especially white folk telling Brown and poor folk to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps because all we have to do is remember that we are God and focus on the reality that we want...that's all we need to do to manifest.

First of all this a blatant and violent denial of many people's realities because that reality isn't their reality.

Manifestation comes after grounding and expression (solar plexus).

It’s a lot easier to be in the spirit of gratitude when you hold a certain level of privilege OR you experience a series of small consistent “wins”.

Marginalized people have extra steps to go through before actual manifestation.

Manifestation is a process of making the unseen, seen. It is bringing something from the mind’s eye into physical reality.

The process of materializing a vision takes time and often is not instantaneous. One of the keys to manifestation is the “wait” or as my friend Dr. Crystal Jones calls it, “The In Between”.

This is the time that we wait between the request and the manifestation. The physical manifestation of one's desires is the most challenging because it takes longer due to moving dense and material objects. Manifestation can definitely happen quickly when the energy is focused, but what happens when you have to deal with obstacles and distractions? What happens when you got really clear and focused your energy, but in "the wait", on Monday your bank account was over-drafted because you had to pay for groceries, your gas tank is at 1/4, and you dont get paid until Friday? The energy that is being sent out gets muddled and confused. Your focus becomes survival and therefore survival things keep manifesting unknowingly.

The manifestation can appear in your physical reality when you hold the intention aka the focused energy...but what happens when you have to think about how youre making money, what youre going to eat, your racist coworkers...the energy gets pulled from the creation mode to survival and protection mode.

To manifest, one needs to hold a high vibration, how can one hold this vibration while being bogged down with worries and concerns regarding survival. Survival mode is distracting to the connection to Source + what you want to manifest.

Manifestation requires:

  • Community/Support

  • Security

  • Safety

  • Basic needs met

  • Freedom of expression & pleasure

  • (prolonged) Moments of peace and stillness

We are having a whole human experience and so many spiritual folks love to deny that, by only focusing on the metaphysical aspects of life….then why did we show up in a very tangible, physical body if it wasnt important? Everyone’s human experience comes with challenges AND to say that others, particularly queer and trans Black and Indigenous women+ and femmes, dont have it harder, that we are all on the same playing field is disrespectful and VIOLENT.

Manifestation is ABSOLUTELY possible for EVERYONE. For those that are marginalized, it may take a little longer and we may need more resources and support, but it is DEFINITELY possible. Please take care of yourself, ask for help when you before you reach ground zero, and be mindful of your overall wellbeing. The more you are well, the easier manifestation becomes. Plus, once you see that you CAN manifest your desires, it becomes a snowball effect where you're not wondering if you can manifest, but what you can manifest!


Inner Child Journey
