I No Longer Aspire To Do Anything

I have no goals. That probably felt weird as you read that and to be honest, it felt a bit strange for me to write it.

Regarding my purpose, the Work and how I show up in the world, I released any goals to reach, any physical markers of success. A certain amount of followers, a certain amount of programs and offerings, a certain amount of clients, a certain amount of certifications. The only things I aspire to are to be the best version of myself and to trust that I am and will be provided for to do this work. I do not need to be externally validated by markers that were set up by people decades or centuries ago, whom I have no connection with, whom I will never meet.

I know this might sound wild, but in having conversations, in studying scriptures, there is nothing for me to aspire to do in the world to make me “successful”, to make me “worthy” or to make me “deserving”. I have come to understand that doing the most knocks me off my center, ungrounds me, takes me out of alignment and leaves me feeling HIGHLY anxious, which is not the life I have been destined to live. My inherent worth is predetermined and it is priceless. No dollar amount on this earth could equal my worth. When it comes to what I deserve, as the Bible verse says:

And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to God and not to men. –Colossians 3:23

I interpret that to mean that whatever I do, I do it with my whole heart as if I was doing it, creating it specifically for the Most High. When it comes to success, that too is internal. Am I proud of the work that I have put out in the world? Has it deeply and positively impacted the life of at least one person? Even if I often do not see my financial rewards immediately right after I offer a product or a service, I have to remember that my “rewards” are always making their way to me even if I cannot clearly see it.

But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded.

Are there things, physical things, that I desire in life? Absolutely. But I do my best to hold the vision (daily) and know that they will come to me in Divine Timing; if they do not then I know that they were not meant for me and that something better is making its way to me.

I have come to truly realize that the wait, the In-Between, the liminal spaces is the space where the most magic happens. I have also come to recognize that if I am doing too much, constantly distracted by what next goal I have to reach or how far I have left to go, #1, I am not taking the time to celebrate my little arrivals and #2, I am not still enough to receive and hear my next instructions.

In talking about “the In-Between”, I realized that is the space where we receive instructions; that is where other paths, perhaps even paths to higher planes are revealed. We are often not able to receive the guidance and clarity we want or desire when we are busy at a fixed point and/or pre-occupied in thinking about and focusing on how much more we have to do.

When I receive instruction to create an offering to share, I will work diligently and share it, but I will not force myself to churn out a belt line of anything to consume because the purpose of what I share is not to be merely consumed, but to be slowly, intentionally digested, felt and integrated.

Is this an easy process? Some days, yes. Some days, no. I am not testing my faith, but more so strengthening it by putting it to practice. There are days when I ask myself, “What in the world am I even doing?” And there are days when operating in my purpose feels rewarding and fills me on a soul level.

Not having goals is also a deep lean into resting more and releasing the need to always be doing something, to always be productive. It is a means for me to lean into more ease. All I am aspiring to do is BE. I am BEing until I am instructed to do something else and that can only come from the stillness in aspiring to DO nothing.

Let me know what you think in the comment section below!


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