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Back to the bodymind

4. Back to the BodyMind Supporter
One time
For 2 months

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come back to yourself

come back to yourself

You have all of the answers you need within. Allow me to help you relearn the language of who you are.


I have witnessed both in myself and in others how trauma, be it collectively, ancestrally &/or personally, takes people out of their bodies, makes people forget who they are, disconnecting them from Source energy, therefore causing them to forget the language of the body.

The body holds so much information and wisdom, yet it is not trusted because it is not heard, because it is not understood.

In 4 sessions over the course of 4 weeks (ideally a month), I will guide you to observe, visualize, feel, introspect, and sense your way back to the BodyMind.

This is an embodied experience, a somatic experience that will hopefully help you reintegrate yourself, allowing you to be grounded in the essence and presence that is wholly YOU.

Mediation, breathwork, movement, introspection, observation, and presence practice will be used to help you come back home to yourself, get more grounded, feel, and BE.

*Digital guidebook is included.

This experience is designed to:

Meet your instructor

J. Chavae

Begin your journey home now

Begin your journey home now ☆

Payment plan options

4. Back to the BodyMind Supporter
One time
For 2 months

3. Back to the BodyMind Self-Healer
One time
For 2 months

2. Back to the BodyMind Brave Heart
One time
For 2 months

1. Back to the BodyMind Kin
One time
For 2 months

As a part of the honor code, I trust that you will choose the most aligned payment plan for your budget. For a breakdown of my fee philosophy, please click here.

get the workbook

get the workbook

Not ready for the full course? Get the workbook today.

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